Burundi Gisoko Beans that Benefit!!
Burundi Gisoko Beans that Benefit!!
The first orders will be shipped out mid to late April!
By buying this bag, you are a part of a groundbreaking new ethical pricing project that supports education for young women in Burundi. A full $5 for every bag you purchase will fund a period justice project that helps young women in Burundi access safe menstrual products and stay in school. 70.2% of young women in Burundi miss an average of 5 days of school each month – a whole week! – because they do not have access to safe period products. Organized by the new ethical pricing project, Beans That Benefit, and facilitated by the Burundian nonprofit, Abarundikazi Period Movement, this project will train at least 10 young women to sew reusable fabric pads. The women will receive sewing machines, materials, and training to make and use reusable pads. They will start their own small businesses making and selling pads to their communities and beyond creating sustainable, income-generating businesses that will help young women stay in school and succeed. More education for women is proven to lead to a decrease in child marriages, better incomes for families, and brighter futures for many young women. And all because you purchased this coffee!